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ZPS7 InfoHub

Links to data, tools, and other useful resources
for plankton and ecosystem research.

This page was created to support workshop W02 "Today I Learned: Useful tools and data resources that every researcher should know" being held at the 7th Zooplankton Production Symposium (Tasmania, March 17-23, 2024).

As work continues on this page, we will improve the aesthetics and features of this webpage.

"Today I Learned" Submitted Content:
--> Showing TOOL category entries only <--

    MetaZooGene Atlas & Database

    The MZGdb summarizes the presence and barcoding status of major marine fauna and flora groups and species, reported-by geographic regions, oceans, and seas (e.g., "North Atlantic pteropods", "Arctic pinnipeds", "Mediterranean Sea decapods"). The MZGdb also lets the user download data from any of these taxonomic/geographic subsets, which can help reduce sequence matching and processing times.

    The Biological Ocean Observer

    An online portal for visualization of IMOS data.

    Plankton Lifeform Extraction Tool

    A tool for exploring northeast North Atlantic plankton data and time series.

    COPEPOD: A global plankton database

      [ DATA | TOOL | INFO ]     2024-03-14-002

      Contact:   Todd O'Brien

    COPEPOD's global plankton database component provides plankton and ecosystem researchers with an integrated data set of quality-reviewed, globally distributed plankton abundance, biomass and composition data. Its visual, interactive interface is designed to help the user see exactly what data are currently available and then download them in a variety of usable formats and compilations. In addition to data distribution maps, COPEPOD offers a variety of text and graphical content summaries and searching options.

    COPEPODITE: The Interactive Time Series Explorer

    COPEPOD's Interactive Time-series Explorer (COPEPODITE) was born from a compilation of time series analysis tools and graphical visualizations developed in support of ICES and SCOR plankton time series working groups (e.g. ICES WGZE and WGPME, SCOR WG125 and WG137). These tools were used to pursue the working groups' research as well as to produce the ICES Plankton Status Report series for the North Atlantic. As work progressed, more and more tools were added to the toolkit, and more and more outside parties requested access to making similar figures for their own work. An online processing and plotting interface was developed, and COPEPODITE was born.